HFT Stuttgart
September 24, 2018 – September 28, 2018
HTF Stuttgart Workshop
Students of HFT Stuttgart (Hochschule für Technik) were invited to imagine the future development of Salone Verde. They spent a week of research and design on site with their professors, Prof. Andreas Löffler and Prof. Ralf Petersen, and critics including Riccardo Varini of Predieri + Varini Architetti / Università San Marino, Dr. Clemens Kusch of cfk architetti, Angela Grosso Ciponte of denkfluss.ch, Olga Barmine of Università San Marino and IUAV, Danilo Silvestri of FHNW Hochschule in Switzerland, and italian architect and designer Tobia Scarpa. New concepts for Salone Verde developed as a result of this workshop include a spa, residential use & spaces for exhibition.